Bianca Maria Visconti’s Tarot

Above: Bianca Maria Visconti as the Virgin with her eldest son, Galeazzo Maria, as the Child Jesus Christ and her husband, Francesco Sforza (left), as Saint Franziskus of Assisi and …

Astrology and Palmistry

Fun fact: Did you know that you can use astrology for palm reading? The fingers, thumb, and various mounds of the palm correspond to signs and planets. The planets personify …

The Archetypes of the Major Arcana

The figures on the major arcana cards are archetypes — cosmic stereotypes that transcend the limits of time and place. They are the heroes of ancient myth and legend, and they …

A Tarot Reader’s Code of Ethics

The best tarot readers practice their art within a clear set of ethical boundaries. This is my code of ethics. I will treat you with respect. I will do my …

Stars and Cards

Astrology isn’t as old as the stars, but it is as old as mankind. Ever since the first humans gazed up into the night sky and pondered the changing face …

Tarot vs. Fortune-Telling Cards

QUESTION: My grandmother used to tell fortunes with playing cards. How is that different than tarot? ANSWER: The two systems are probably similar. In fact, some popular divination decks are …

Symbols and Stories

Symbols are everywhere. We’re so used to seeing symbols that most of us hardly give them a second thought during the course of an average day. For many of us, …

The Earthy Suit of Pentacles

Pentacle cards show physical and material concerns, and correspond to the element of earth. Pentacle cards also illustrate the treasures we hold dear on an emotional and spiritual level, too. …

The Airy Suit of Swords

Sword cards illustrate intellectual concepts and correspond to the element of air. Sword cards also describe the way we think and communicate our ideas to others. Historically, swords have been …

The Watery Suit of Cups

The cards in the suit of cups portray emotional affairs and correspond to the element of water. Cups can hold water — the essence of life — or for that …

The Fiery Suit of Wands

Wands cards depict spiritual life, energy, and drive, and correspond to the element of fire. In most tarot decks, Wands look like freshly cut branches from leafy trees. That is …

The Duality of the Tarot Deck

Throughout the tarot deck, you will find that the world of the tarot is a world divided by two. Aristotle said, “Most human things go in pairs.” People, concepts, and …

Elements of Attraction

Each one of the tarot’s four suits corresponds to one of the four ancient elements: fire, water, air, and earth. Alchemists and philosophers believed that the four elements were the …

Astrology and the Tarot’s Minor Arcana

In the minor arcana, each of the four suits corresponds to fire, water, air, or earth signs. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are fire signs. They correspond to Wands. Cancer, Scorpio, …

Tarot’s Language of Love

Tarot cards were first developed in Italy, and then spread to France. Given the fact that those are two of the most romantic cultures in history, it’s probably not surprising …

Get to Know Your Tarot Deck

A new tarot deck represents untapped possibility — but the cards themselves are powerless until you imbue them with your own energy, your own thoughts, and your own understanding of …

How to Choose a Tarot Deck

When it comes to finding a tarot deck, there are cases of love at first sight. You may be wandering through your favorite bookstore, when suddenly you’ll spot a new …