An Astrologer’s Code of Ethics

As an NCGR-certified astrologer, I follow the NCGR’s code of ethics. It’s long but worth the read. Preamble Astrologers are dedicated to the development and enhancement of the human condition …

The Astrology of the Sun

The Sun is an important focal point in an astrological chart, because the Sun represents the center of every individual’s universe: the self. Most people associate astrology with Sun signs, …

Astrology and Palmistry

Fun fact: Did you know that you can use astrology for palm reading? The fingers, thumb, and various mounds of the palm correspond to signs and planets. The planets personify …

Stars and Cards

Astrology isn’t as old as the stars, but it is as old as mankind. Ever since the first humans gazed up into the night sky and pondered the changing face …